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Our High School Youth Group...5 weeks since we started and it only gets better!


Our Youth Group meets every Saturday in Brasilito at 8 in the morning until 1:30 in the afternoon. What a beautiful day it was this past Saturday, May 13th, our 5th meeting! We have 23 students in our program from 7th grade to 12th grade. As of this past Saturday our Youth have received 9.5 hours of Math, 11 hours of English, 6 hours of pickleball, and 2 hours of Mentoring. Plus their snacks and lunches every time we meet.

This week our participants got to work on their work books in English class and they had so much fun with the dynamic class our teachers had prepared for them.

On our Math class we had the help from some of Cria's National Honor Society Students tutoring our neat is that? Youth helping youth! Just beautiful! We have small tutoring groups to offer one to one attention in order to achieve a better understanding of the matter in question. Participants bring their school books and get tutored in what they struggle with.

We at Accai believe that being young is a synonym of change, progress and future, if the opportunity is given. Our High School Youth, especially Brasilito's are facing challenges...sometimes too heavy for them...and it's our mission to create or recreate a space for future full development and help them learn that we can turn problems into opportunities and solutions. Empowering them to develop the skills to become the driving force of our families and society. To help achieve this goal we had a visit from Doctor Valeria, from 917 Medical Clinic in Flamingo and she shared about the importance of the choices we make and about health matters such as caring for your mind, body and soul, among other interesting subjects. Thanks to the teamwork made by Accai and 917 Clinic we will be having health workshops for the Youth twice a month.

We are thrill to announce the alliance made between Elevate Dance Studio and Accai and now our Youth receive 2 hours of dance classes every Tuesday 6 to 8 in the evening. We have 10 to 13 students attending the dance lessons.

And last but not least, Pickleball. Students love pickleball on Saturdays and they receive their class for 75 minutes. Thank you so much to the group of volunteers. The students enjoyed it so much they asked if they could play more so this is how Brasilito's park looks now on Friday afternoon 5 to 6:30!

Thanks for your support: 917 Medical Clinic, Elevate Dance Studio, Cria's National Honor Society Students Gunner Kith, Brian Mcdonald, Anina Cubillos and Santiago Cubillos and of course to all of our volunteers.

Thanks for providing meals: EJ Avey, Federico Robledo and 917 Medical Clinic..


High-Dosage tutoring is effective but expensive. That is why our sponsors are very important for our community enrichment opportunity to continue. Please consider donating to Accai. We also need volunteers helping in Math and in providing snacks and lunch. Thank you in advance for considering joining us in this great mission to help our Youth have a better future!

Please don't hesitate to contact us for more information.

Pura Vida!

Erika & Karen


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May 20, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

What a wonderful thing to do for these kids. Showing them that people outside of their regular school care enough about them to give of their time and talents will go a long way in shaping their future!!

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